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An early Sunday Morning and another attempt to get back to Writing with a really long Post Title

Staring at this word doc for over a minute, while thinking of something totally different from it all, finally type down something. It still takes effort to get back to writing, whatever and whenever I want. The old schedule and flow just seems to be missing. Well there are of course numerous reasons, but instead of boring you out with the innumerable sad tales of my life, I’ll just share with you some odd happenings in and around me. (Not sure whether you’ll find that interesting though).

Early Sunday Morning. It just doesn’t even properly sound like something of value to me. Early Morning itself is nothing short of a punishment. Anyways, here I am.  And here is Sunday.

A typical Sunday for me generally wouldn’t have even started by now. Maybe this would be the time, I’ll be clearing out my way to clean up the bed and sleep after extended hours of either watching some random movie or any of those Tv series on which I would be hooked onto. No. No such thing in a little while.

It is just a little calm. Excessively calm and yet uneasy. The chirping of the birds, the coughing of the security guard who would finally like to call off for the day, after adjusting himself to sleeping on a chair the whole night of course.

Speaking of sleep and adjustments, a little disorder has crept in my system and the reason for the same can definitely be awarded to this factor called Overthinking. This one never leaves your side, even when others seem to do their own shifts then and now.

There are loads of things to rue about and even more to crib upon, but as strange as it may sound. I don’t feel like doing it. I won’t give out some of the positivity crap out to you, but would definitely state that not thinking negatively is better. Maybe that is how things are going to be. You learn from your mistakes and if you just won’t repeat them, than the things might just improve.

Apart from very important things, I have actually never been persistent towards anything. And now, when I’m trying to be, because there are things that to me, actually appear to be worth it, it just amazes me that it is really difficult. Someone said to me once, “Nothing can be served to you on a platter” and hence I tried to convince people to cook and I’ll go ahead with even self service as long as I get it. but then why would anything go as I want, eh ?

Phew!! Trying not to crib is just not my thing I guess. (I still ended up doing it).

Wish you a great Sunday guys!!

Life of a Social media Addict

“Good morning 🙂

Before the traces of sleep left the eyes, still curled up inside the blanket on a cold morning, a tweet was posted, the notification bar that lighted red across the blue bar of facebook was religiously checked upon, emails checked and various other notifications were duly unread from whatever the Smartphone displayed. The snoozed alarm rang itself for another time, vibrating right into my hands, and hence the day began.
The day of a social media addict.


Well, it is not a biographical account of a random guy, but a simplified and collaged explanation of how the day of a socially active species would look like. A day where each of the happenings on a daily basis, or preferably hourly, or even more frequently than that, knocks itself up on any of these platforms. The indulgence gets multiplied, and the social life over the internet appears to be more active than the actual “social life.” Without bothering ourselves about the pros and cons on which life is better, or which one isn’t or to engage ourselves in another useless discussion like the one frequently happening on social media, let’s just concentrate on the story that unfolds for this guy, which we are so indulgently talking about.

The daily drama unfolds with the morning, bringing upon the overnight carry-forward social baggage with it. The Facebook messages, the likes on the recently uploaded pictures, counting the number of RTs the tweets have got, the endorsements on LinkedIn, and the list goes on. All of this carries along throughout the morning chores, the breakfast, newspaper; everything goes hand in hand along with the Tweeting and FBing garnishing the breakfast platter. Multi-tasking couldn’t have defined itself in a better way.
While pictures, with their editing of the breakfast food, tagged as “yummy”, “out of the world” or simply delicious” find their way to internet through Instagram, tweets describing, “the awesome start to the day, with the amazing Cheese Sandwiches” grace the Twitter Timeline, while perhaps a “Thank you Mom for the amazing Breakfast”, by tagging her there would update itself on Facebook. Thank you on the breakfast table is, so mainstream you know.
College starts with a Check-in on Foursquare update of “Your Highness” entering the premises and at the same post being shared on Facebook and Twitter. Notifications and Mentions pour in from the college brethren, as to the whereabouts of the hangout or why some of them won’t be coming.
The long walk to the spot, the head hung down, not in shame but latched with an ultimate concentration on the hands holding the powerful device. The walk itself is no mean feat, where dodging the passer-by and continuing to reply on the messages are a big achievement in itself. At least when the perfection is such, that an injury-free me reaches to buzz in a high-five with the buddies.
The hangout, of course, involves lots of chit-chats, banter, and discussions ranging from anything to everything. All along, something which matches the tag of being “funny,” “interesting,” and “weird” gets tweeted or posted to Facebook. The general rule is, everything which can be limited to 140 characters may find its way to Twitter, while stuff which is on the higher side of the humor/interesting quotient scale, gets updated on the facebook wall.
Classrooms of course, cannot be livelier than our “class contributions” in the form of WATSAPPing.
And just when things would somehow get finalized, an update on Facebook disclosing our whereabouts and plans for the evening, with the necessary tags would surface. (Open invite for stalkers if anyone wanted to). The update would also ring up comments, along with their sad looking smilies.
Interestingly, more than anything in the long-drive or sometimes a bowling session or just some food indulgence, it would be making sure that an adequate number of pictures giving evidence that we were there. Reminds of the time when people used to carve out their initials on Rocks or trees only to revisit those years later. This is the digitalized version of the same.
The only glitch comes, when with the amount of usage, the batteries in most of the phones, dies down slowly. With nothing much to update or tweet, we have to Talk to each other!! To our surprise, the talk builds upon the fun and the time way back home passes in a flash.
But, once all of them reach their home, the first thing that they all do, after getting a little scolding from either of the parents for being late, is to look for the Lifesaver- The Charger.
And then, the virtual life of the social media addicts are back with their tweets, updates, and uploads on the Internet.

Social Gaming: Are you Game ?

Candy Crush. Mafia wars. Farmville. If these names sound familiar to you, and irritation sweeps across your brain, than believe me you have a sizable company of people, including me, who would be willing to sympathize with you. And of course, a sizable one which would still continue to press the invite button on one of these apps, for you to donate a “life”, some points, or some crap which baffles our mind.


And hey, welcome to the world of Social Network Gaming.

It is not a new trend, but is sure has re-invented itself over time, by fitting itself into the smart-phone dominated social networking phase quite comfortably and happens to be a considerable growth model when viewed with a combination of Mobile+Social Network+Game angle.

There are many companies which have utilized the opportunity of Social gaming with applications developed on the platforms of these socially notable networking sites like MySpace and Facebook. Zynga for instance was one of the early pioneers of “Social Gaming” with games like Poker and Mafia Wars designed to woo the traffic on their websites, to make users stay on them even more than Social networking. It did work and now Zynga is a multi-billion Dollar company.

Moving away from the economic angle, and replacing it with the present day scenario, where Mobile has spruced up the growth of Social network, and with it the Social games as well. The virality of the Social Gaming scenario doesn’t seem to be end. Games designed are not complex, rather are easy. But are fueled by the networking concept of including more people into the gaming fold. Requests, ranging from points for referrals to even Virtual life , are the driving force. The more your requests are accepted, the more levels you clear!!!

The level hierarchy and the competition involved make it highly addictive. More so, because the scores and rankings are there for the world to see. (At least, the Virtual world in our friend list), this concept has sure caught on.

The advent of these games are a new dimension to the whole Social network craze and has benefited not just the online gaming industry, where numerous developers have modified their gaming applications to be suited to these platforms, and as well as the Social networking sites, which have given one more reason for the users to stay on.


The question that has been looming large in my head is why I am not able to write. Write something, anything, just simply write. Actually vent it out. The more I thought the more I couldn’t get myself to type down into gibbering words on the keypad. Finally gathering whatever little ounce of determination that had been stored in some remote part of the mortal remain that I still have, directed them to write down something. And it just so happens that just typing down the reasons for the long absence is enough to stretch up to 100 words of the English language (104, to be precise and 113 till this sentence closes). Phew!!!

Questions and answers. I make them, and get lost in answering them. “Why” being the most favourite starting point of course of the numerous questions.

Life went the crazy road. I’m still being sane. Apart from the regular enticing indulgences of killing myself to end it all. Yes, sorry to disappoint many with these sadistic approach but I just thought let me just be truthful to myself and to the fact that actually saying it out loud may actually stop me from thinking more about it. Killing myself is not the only thought that crosses my reveries but the mere idea of just giving in to the demands of the craziness that life has thrown up. Now, “crazy” is just a very polite way of saying how fucked up the situation is.

Apart from my pseudo-optimistic self and others who try to console, do throw in bubbles of hope which do reach me, but I miserably fail to store them safely. Only if I knew how to store and use them like medicines whenever the going gets tougher and tougher.

Khair, the story of cribbing can go to extents that it might not be tiring for you to read but tiring for me to explain to you as well. Thing is when the going gets tough, no matter whether you get tougher or not. You sure learn a lot about people and their being “friends” with you. So, here’s me ending the cribbing and finally able to post something on the blog.

Dedh Ishqiya Review

Dedh Ishqiya Cast: Naseeruddin Shah, Arshad Warsi, Madhuri Dixit, Huma Qureshi, Vijay Raaz

Director: Abhishek Choubey

Runtime: 145 Minutes

Beautiful Urdu poetry, the nawabi culture, Great Music and strong Humor is what binds Dedh Ishqiya together even with small lapses in the tempo. For the same reason, couldn’t match the stature Ishqiya continues to have but is still entertaining in more ways than one.

Naseeruddin Shah-Arshad Warsi, a suave combo, with the bonding displayed perfectly under the direction of Abhishek Choubey.

[Check out another Naseeruddin Shah’s movie review]

Vijay Raaz fills in with his magic and stands out among the cast.

At the same time, you also have the ever mesmerizing Madhuri. Huma Qureshi gives Arshad Company by playing the role of his leading lady. Pack it all up with Urdu-rich dialogues and you have Dedh Ishqiya entertaining you.

Pack it all up with Urdu dialogues and you have Dedh Ishqiya trying to entertain you.

The plot revolves around Begum Para (Madhuri)’s Swayamvar of sorts through a Shayri competition. Khaalu (Naseeruddin), Jaan Mohammad (Vijay Raaz) being the competitors for the coveted position of becoming Nawab.  Babban (Arshad) joins in the party to catch hold of Khaalu who seem to have ran away after taking away their “prized catch” in a theft all alone.

The story has its many predictable twists but with the addition of humor, playful romance delivered with impeccable Urdu dialogues brings in the rush. One scene where Vijay Raaz’s men and Khaalu-Babban get into a fight is hilarious in its approach. The

One scene where Vijay Raaz’s men and Khaalu-Babban get into a fight is hilarious in its approach. Not to be mistaken, the humor isn’t aged but includes iPhone, IRCTC’s wait-listing dilemma, etc which are  intelligently made use of to give a fresh feel.

Just watch this video!

Casting and dialogues are perfect while the screenplay runs smooth too. Occasionally when it tries to dig deep down the emotional corridor, ends up missing the flow and falls short of being the dark-in-parts-comedy it could have easily been. The humorously crafted scenes throughout the length of Dedh Ishqiya do bring the flow back and this is what makes the film entertaining.

The music in Dedh Ishqiya has been given by Vishal Bharadwaj, which is soothing and follows the similar theme as its prequel. A peppy number in Horn OK please and soothingly romantic Dil ka Mijaaz later.

On the whole, Dedh Ishqiya doesn’t go beyond the magic created by Ishqiya but as a separate movie in itself is entertaining and keeps you asking for more from the ensemble of its cast.

I’m going with a 3.5/5 for Dedh Ishqiya. It isn’t perfect, but would do.

Product Placement in Movies

 Krissh exclaims to a child, who is in awe of his superpowers, “If you want to become like me, drink Bournvita”, Krishh, portrayed by Hrithik Roshan, had a minimum of 7 scenes where Bournvita was either offered to a guest or was placed on the dining table for the world to notice. The health drink company also had an association with the prequel to Krishh, Koi mil gaya.

In case you’ve watched Taal or Dhoom 2, you must have evidently seen Coca Cola gracing the scenes. Recently released Bollywood movies like Chennai express (Nokia Lumia) or Dabang (Suzuki Hayate) have shown us how effectively brands can be used along with the story. There have been many movies which have been made centered around particular brands, such as “Mere dad ki Maruti” using Maruti in their story-line itself.

This practice of including brands/products into the midst of a program, be it movies or a TV Series, by actually placing the products in various scenes, is referred to as Product placement.

Wikipedia defines Product placement as “any form of audiovisual commercial communication consisting of the inclusion of or reference to a product, a service or the trade mark thereof so that it is featured within a programme”. Product placement stands out as a marketing strategy because it is imperative to attach the utmost importance to “the context and environment within which the product is displayed or used’ and when it comes to movies, the director does a pretty good job to make things look interesting. Although, sometimes it does get a little overboard but nevertheless, they do end up sending the message that they intended to send across the audiences, i.e., advertise.

The audience may skip the advertisements, may not pay heed to the ones that come in between their entertainment mode, but when it comes to product placement, they are in a way held captive to watch it.

These are commercial insertions amalgamated into scenes to heighten the visibility of the brand not only to send out the “advertised message” serving as breaks in the storyline, but as an eternal part of the story. They also make it a point to modify the scenes in order to make it appealing.

There’s no hard and fast rules as to how this can be done, be it limiting it to just a mention, or keeping the brand in sight by the leads using them.

Fan-following of stars, as well as the effectiveness of the characters they portray on screen plays a key role in making the product placement effective.

It dates back to the nineteenth century in publishing. By the time Jules Verne published the adventure novel Around the World in Eighty Days (1873), he was a world-renowned writer extent transport and shipping companies lobbied to be mentioned in the story as it was published in serial form. Whether he was actually paid to do so or not remains unknown.

Product placement has come to much modifications and improvisations ever since. Hollywood has used this to its advantage. Product placement could be a source of sizable financing. The best example is Die another day (2002) which received between 120 and 160 million dollars from the associated brands in royalties and publicity support during the movie launch.

And how can we forget, Bond movies, when we are talking about Product placement?

Be it Jaguar or Aston martin, or a series of other cars, many have found screen space in the movies.  Even beverages like Smirnoff find a way to shape some of the scenes in the movie.

Over the years, though the products or brands have been evaluated before being included in the films. They need to sync in with the personality of the stars, because these have a higher visibility and recall value than even the traditional advertisements.

In a study conducted, where children were shown the movie Home Alone, where Pepsi had a sizeable screen time, and after this were offered to choose between Pepsi and Coke. 67% of those who watched the Movie chose Pepsi, while only 42% who didn’t saw the movie, chose Pepsi over coke.

One of the greatest communication campaigns is definitively BMW’s The Hire online marketing campaign.

BMW launched 8 short movies directed by the best directors. This series of 8 “episodes” called, The Hire, starring Clive Owen as the lead character and the link between the different parts received tangible results and heaps of awards.

The sales of BMW did shot up, post the release of these ad-cum-short films, winning awards and laurels all across, with a viewership of 45 million in over two years.

The brands as well as movie producers keep coming up with innovative and interesting ways on incorporating  them in films and companies won’t mind shelling extra to get higher visibility, which will serve them well in not just immediate future but also in the long run.

The Wolf Of Wall Street

Cast: Leonardo di Caprio, Jonah hill, Mathew McConaughey, Margot Robbie

Director: Martin Scorsese

Runtime: 179 Minutes



The Wolf of wall street movie review

Right from the first scene, you are sure that it is going to be a crazy ride for the three effing hours, and hell yeah you won’t be disappointed. The crazy ride hooks you onto your seat, laughing your heads off scene by scene, by trying to not make any sense, with perfectly crafted dialogues to blow you to bits. The biggest strength is its perfect casting and tight screenplay which doesn’t let you blink away from the plot of the movie.

The movie is based on Jordan Belfort’s life and the plot of the movie centers around him and the securities’ fraud and corruption, through a narrative which takes the story from a rookie wannabe Stock Broker and how his zeal and greed for money makes him achieve all what he did into becoming an accomplished-have-it-all Stock broker and a firm to his credit, of course by not following a straight path to success.

Di Caprio eases into the role like it’s his own flamboyant lifestyle in display. Acting out the scenes, “getting high” from the numerous drugs/weed/what-not or even mere expressions, are done with ease. One scene where he gets high and is almost semi-paralyzed and ahs to get to his car, is brilliantly done making you laugh like you’ve never done before.

Even though the plot centers around di Caprio, mostly every other character occupies solid screen space to show off and ultimately it is the whole package that makes you enjoy the pure fun.

Matthew McConaughey, playing the role of Di caprio’s mentor in the first firm he joins as a stock broker and who actually “advices” him to bring in drugs and prostitution into his lifestyle, steals the film’s initial moments with just his presence. Same can be said about Jonah Hill (Playing the role of Donie Azoff), who plays a supporting role as a partner to di Caprio and impresses you with his comic timing.

The movie runs at breathneck speed giving little respect to any sort of boredom that never creeps in. Director Martin Scorcese with his favorite Leonardo di Caprio brings in a flamboyant and yet-beleivable storyline out to the audience with almost no room for any slips in the journey. It is one of the Funniest movies one will ever see, with a slightly dark overtone and yet delivered with perfection.

I’m going with 4.5/5 for Martin Scorsese’s The Wolf Of Wall Street for the pure fun it brings to you.

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ReveringThoughts: 2013 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 30,000 times in 2013. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 11 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

Gifts for my Child..

Writing down my “demands” on my Abbu’s scribble pad in our shop as a kid, whenever he was out on the site making various pandals which was part of our Tent decorations business and giving shape to numerous other marriages/parties, was one thing which I can never forget. I was spoiled as a child before my siblings started with their own set of demands when they started talking, but before that my “demands” were something which never got unnoticed. How could they be, if I write it down on the registers at our shop or there on the table where Abbu used to sit?

But there were lots of things which I never asked my parents, never did I write them down for their easy reference. Sometimes, I didn’t know I was supposed to ask or not. Sometimes, I didn’t know I even needed them. Expectations, yes, your parents are the ones from whom you expect the most out of.

Now, all these things are retrospectively very easy to describe, easier for me to judge or may even sound like a bit of complaining. But I have also realized that, the amount of time our parents spent on us can never be matched nor be equated with any sort of materialistic gift that they may or may not have given us.

Questions arises, will we ever be able to do the same?

Of course, we can try matching what we got from our parents, knowing well in advance that with our busy schedule it may not materialize. We can, however do plan out the part which is quite possible.

If, one has to make up a list of 5 things that are realistically possible and something which may match what our parents have given us in shaping what we are now.

1. A house of memories..

I’ve been brought up in our home in Jamshedpur, where we still live. All our memories, the good, the bad and the ugly, are all associated with this very house. The way we have grown, is all shaped up by this house. What I want to gift my child is a house, where he grows, plays, stays, laughs, cries, and do everything which is part and parcel of the everyday grind. And to look back into that same house, on how it did shaped up his being.

2. A piggy Bank..

Children should be taught the value of money and savings from the start. This would encourage them to instill values which would help them in their journey forward and also train them from timely emergencies which they might have.

3. His first bicycle..

Learning to fly is what I associated my bicycle learning experience with. it was as if learning to move ahead, the first rush of excitement to ride the bicycle out on the street. Even with the many injuries sticking on, the feel which the bicycle ride gives for the first time, without anyone’s support, is something that can never be forgotten.

4. Options

Growing up to be a teenager is something which is inevitable and we all want to see our child achieve something. We may all have certain biases regarding many of the career-oriented choices he may have or his aspirations might suggest, but if I can help my child into exploring all the available options, so that he may be able to take a better decision as what he truly wants to become, than that would be a satisfying part and a gift of a kind. This of course, is depended on the financial and mental backing, which is necessary to make sure his choice sees the light of the day.

5. A farmland

A farmland where we’ll plant trees on every b’day of any of the family member and by the time he has grown up, the place would be all green with trees bearing fruit. This would not only be family tradition but something which will resemble a natural way of growth and learning for the kids. This will also prepare them for future and meanwhile inculcate patience, hard work and a connect with nature through it. And of course, some meaningful family time and precious memories as well.


This post is a part of the 1001 Gifts Activity by HDFC Life in association with BlogAdda

Bullet Raja : My Review

Bullett Raja: My Review

Director: Tigmanshu Dhulia

Cast: Saif Ali Khan, Sonakshi Sinha, Jimmy Sheirgill

Runtime: 140 Minutes

The best part about a Tigmanshu Dhulia movie is its characterization and perfectly detailed casting, where definite roles are attached to characters, with added intensity. This has remained the backdrop on which Dhulia has based his movies upon. Sadly, bullet raja, even with a strong ensemble of Dhulia’s regulars fails to achieve the same. Add to that the loose plot, where it swings to-and-fro quite predictably, without anything interesting. There are of course some good scenes, but are far and few scattered across the 140 minute ride of this Bullet. Sadly, that only lands the viewer on already explored ending.

The plot, like many of the most recent movies is based in the Hindi heartland of the politically-violent Uttar Pradesh, where two strangers (Saif Ali Khan as Raja and Jimmy sheirgill as Rudra) bump into each other at a wedding, hit it off , fire around lots of bullets (Unfortunately, not at each other so as to prevent us the misery), become the best of buddies and make some enemies right there too. Power, politics and Gangsters come hand in hand, and that is the underlying plot running through the movie. Put in certain clichés for a masala-entertainer like revenge for a friends’ death, Item number, Desi tamancha (Not to forget the song, which inspires you to fire them in a disco for the sake of dancing) and of course the heartthrob of directors these days for a masala flick, Sonakshi Sinha as the female lead.

bullett raja movie reviewSaif shows conviction, but there are only a few scenes where he justifies as to why he was chosen for this role, Sheirgill overdoes his cool gangster appearance, while Sonakshi fills up as just another female lead, where she just eats up the screen space (and yes, I’m not commenting on her size), which could have been used for so much more. The seasoned actors like Raj Babbar, Vipin Sharma, Ravi kishan and even Vidyut Jamwal brighten up the scenes with their small yet pivotal roles, and it is in these scenes where things look a bit smooth. Besides these, there is hardly anything which can hold things together, until the end where the suspense is predictable enough for you to guess it right from the climax.

The things that go for the movie is the pace, some cheeky dialogues, raw action scenes especially the ones involving Vidyut Jamwal, where he is believed to have designed and performed his own stunts and one off chase sequence involving our Bullet raja. It lacks intensity, stuffy and fails to increase the heat, as it’s tagline promises.

Bullet raja is not bad, but fails to fit into the over-viewed and saturated plots based around UP, with lots of violence and where the bad guy is the “hero”. Watch it, if you don’t have anything else to do, just by keeping the expectation levels to the minimum.

I’m going with 1.5 for Tigmanshu Dhulia’s Bullet Raja, which is just another UP-centric movie without any intensity. A bullet’s ride which is worth missing.

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