Frankly, the idea of a Mother’s day, Father’s day or for that matter any day commemorated to celebrate any relationship is weird. Of late, even Birthdays and New years’ day, have also started categorizing themselves in this very category. The category of, “How does it matter?”. And no, I’m not of the league which says, “Why just one day?”. I’m not preaching anything here just showing my inability to relate like all you sane folks. And If I don’t relate to the enthusiasm that you seem to possess and which somehow rises above the surface on these days, my sincerest apologies.

I forget a lot of Birthdays and If it wasn’t for facebook, then that number would increase catastrophically. I don’t know about you, but for me this is the most important feature of this social networking giant who continues to be annoying by letting people send Candy Crush requests!

I remember running around town, as kids, to buy Friendship bands. It required spending pocket money and time away from playing, to gift these bands to others. Friends, who reciprocated back with bands brought by them. ‘Twas fun back then. Growing up, it sounded like something which kids would do. However, in some form or the other, that is still on. And hey, I’m not one of those who “want to be kids again” kind either.

Over the years, I’ve lost a few friendships. Ones which I thought didn’t come with an expiry date. But then, Life Happened. Many, thankfully, have stuck over time and hopefully will continue to do so. The relationships have definitely changed forms over the years, like a larvae to a butterfly, only it continues to still evolve.

I believe a lot of friendships go through different phases. A few get stuck in one and never end up evolving and die away. Others evolve with you.

Now when I’ve written all this, reminiscing about the bond, maybe I don’t hold this day guilty of showing off. Not too much. A little, yes!

From the guys back at home, the one with whom we crossed places on his RX-100 to the guy for whom I became a postman, to the first friend I made when I left home, who won’t talk to me anymore, to ones who even after talking for months apart, continues to be friends, to the awesome people from the Khaau gang members who are not to be a gang anymore because of me, to the group for whom I’m a “nawab” for reasons I don’t even remember. To the broken soul who fixed and then broke me, or the brew which became cold too soon to the roomies who’ve annoyed and cared me like their own or the one who became a brother to someone who comes over for weekends and tolerates me easily.

To all of you, you know who you are. I’m not wishing you for this day. I’m just thanking you for being part of my insignificant life. You know who you are to me.