Django unchained- My review

Director: Quentin Tarantino

Cast: Jamie fox, Leonardo diCaprio, Christoph Waltz, Samuel L jackson

Its showmanship at its best, in quentine tarantino’s Django unchained.


django unchained review

Normally, if you look at it, it’s nothing but the quest of black slave to reach out to his wife who has been enslaved by someone else with a background of an American setup which continues to provide them hardships.

Coming from director Quentin Tarantino, who makes sure that it look classy. And no points for guessing that he does it with finesse.

Django, played by Jamie fox, is a slave who is freed by Dr Schultz(Christoph waltz) in a rather dramatic way to help him catch some people for whom he has a bounty. Now our Bounty hunter, gets a partner for this assignment to catch hold of the “bounty”. Looking at the way django works, Dr schultz offers him to make his partner for other assignments as well. The extra thing, apart from money that Schultz would be offering to him is help to get back his wife.


After spending the winter, killing off their bounties and earning cash in the process by bringing back the corpses, they start on a plan to bring bloomhilda, django’s wife (played by Kerry Washington). After due, checks, they zero in on a certain Mr. Calvin Candie (played by Leonardo dicaprio).

The story revolves around this quest of Django to get her wife back, which seems to be some sort of a heinous crime. Slavery, at that point of time, was so deep rooted that each and every thing that Django does, was seen as a violation of something. The depiction is cruel to say the least. People staring with disgust to see him ride a horse, share a drink or even stand near them. The human race’s terrible age of racial abuse is something that is horrifying and has been depicted in the raw and cruel way, as it is meant to be.


Continuing his amazing performance in Tarantino’s Inglorious Bastards, Christoph waltz gives out a performance of a genius in a role that has been hand-crafted for him. The easiness with which he shifts between the character’s seriousness as well as temperament is amazing to say it humbly. The opening scene in which he frees, or rather unchains Django makes a solid case for his sheer brilliance, not to mention each scene that he is part of.

Leonardo dicaprio, comes into a role, which is something that he has never done before, and makes it his own. He has a different story altogether deep in himself to let out of his character of a wicked businessmen, who loves to see fights between niggers where one ultimately kills the other and he makes money out of it. Such is his business mind that even with knowing that someone has betrayed him continues to skim out a profitable deal out of it.

Samuel L Jackson, plays the character of leonardo’s faithful black-servant, who is worse than the white-folks around. His look itself will tell you, as to what is going underneath his brains, which is dark and wicked to be generous.

Jamie fox, displays utmost showmanship, in playing Django. He not only brings out the fear, fun and seriousness of the character, but also does it by being the most entertaining one. A fast learner, from being just a suffering slave to being an accomplice of a bounty hunter to actually gathering the negotiating aura of his senior partner to turn the climax around, is something that his character makes a case for.

Although, almost each scene and each frame has something that will make you hooked onto it, but the one where a whole gang of white people, try to teach the “nigger and his nigger-loving-German” a lesson will make you laugh not at the stupidity they display but the amazing human nature of fun brought out by Tarantino.

Also, mentionable is the scene where the negotiable Dr Schultz displays his skills to get rid of a 100 rifles pointing out at them.

Its showmanship at its best, watch him Unchain to bring about a smooth 160 odd minutes of entertainment, and not to forget the Old-style-credits at the start and music in between.

You will love it.

I am giving a 4/5 for Django Unchained.


Smile- coz, it costs nothing!!


Yeh Saali Internship


  1. If you love movies like Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill and Inglorious Basterds, then you’ll love this movie. Good review.

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