Taking me out of bed to pick up the brush is a task in itself. Trying to do that early morning, is an addition that one hardly ever wants. At least for someone like me, this addition doesn’t sound good. And yes, I should add, lazy people like me. Or to make it sound more decent, those who do not consider themselves as “morning people”.

Now, when starting your day like this is tough enough to make you realize how “tough” our life is, imagine the day starting with a whole lot of expletives coming out of your Colgate-filled mouth.

Well, don’t mistake me for doing that because of the hardships that I mentioned before, about the getting-up and brushing stuff, as there is a reason.

The reason is a newly added course on Water management in our curriculum and which happens to be an exclusive one at that. Only for boys hostel!! Exclusivity in this is something I wouldn’t like to have. (And of course, there is a whole lot of exclusive stuff I would like to possess, but we’ll talk about that sometime later).


Coming back, onto why this course (let’s call it that), made me end up gulp in some of the colgate and mouth words which I won’t like to myself hear, and that too at the start of the day. Imagine, opening the tap and hearing some peculiar sounds of water doing some sort of dance on strange music and refusing to come out. Yea, it does.

The “morning chores” somehow got over with difficulty, difficulty of running to-and-fro to other rooms to gather the precious stuff. Even more precious than the “Lord of the rings’ ring” and no, it’s no effing exaggeration!! Believe me.

If, this was just an orientation (or a trailer if you are watching a horror movie) of what was to come next, or what important lessons we were to “gain”, then it is very apt to put it that way.

When I addressed myself as a lazy bum, I actually forgot to add about the company that I enjoy over here. “It’s not just me” is what I will have to add too. Filling up water bottles is a task in itself, not to mention the fact that how your bottle, if it’s filled with the “precious”, is a magnet far more powerful than anything else.

Now, imagine, your bottle not being looked upon as the “precious”. Poor lad.

Damn, those water purifiers’ man!! Who have nothing much to do, except being empty.

Anyway, to talk about the water management course, I must say, it’s working quite well.

Some value has been added to our hostel-life with it. Like,

  •  Instead of being lazy, we are even more pumped up to go into “water hunting”.
  •  We have learnt to properly store the “precious” and with this slowly becoming a regular thing
  •  We also have become dedicated to put more efforts into conservation and excel in this course of management.

Hope, you are enjoying by being part of this. If not, it’s never too late to start because this “precious” is someday going to make you run even more.