In one of the latest episodes of “Real time with Bill Maher”, he talks about how the Republicans have always gotten away by doing unspeakable things, while the democrats make people resign at the whiff of trouble. And how they shouldn’t, if they want to win!

You can watch the video here:

Maher’s premise is, if Trump, even after doing so many “Non-presidential” things, can occupy the white House, why should the liberals be left behind ? Comparatively, they’ve done far less dangerous things!

To sum, he basically says, leave aside your values and have the balls to do what it takes to win back.

Politically, this strategy sounds very effective and can reap rich dividends and even help Democrats win!

Why just limit this to a Republican Vs Democrats issue, parallels can be drawn in many other scenarios around the world. Even closer home.

Many like to make themselves think that one political party is different than the other and how each one has a certain ideology. Certain sets of principles that they follow and which are liked by their respective fan boys and disliked by their haters!

But do they ? Are they really different ?

And if winning is the only goal left, whom should the average voter trust ? The principle the party represent or the party’s drive to be relevant by changing its own narrative!