Her eyes grow bigger every time she tries to tell a story. The sincere eyes moving around, even though it’s just the two of them talking, tell their own story.
He, half-listens her story, while his eyes remain preoccupied with the shine in her eyes. Her excitement in narrating an uninteresting story fascinates him. Of the few stories that she decides to share with all.
He knows his stories are told the same way. Uninteresting. While she listens to them with rapt attention. Remembering details to be recounted later. Her wandering eyes try hiding in the imaginary crowd. But he adamantly dives down in them. Every time.
With an actual crowd, sneaking innocent glances while people laugh about everything and the random, alike. A world of their own. The alternate glances.
“…but this would not last. There’s just no time.” Their minds would shout almost in a chorus.
‘So what?!’ The eyes rebelled for that temporary solace.