Consciously, I’ve learned to stay away from political debates on social media. Yet to perfectly follow it to the t, but yeah, sort of there.
I know it won’t last long but let me be happy with the thought of having mastered this.
But I see a lot of people on my Timeline continue to indulge in this pointless exercise of playing the game of who-will-have-the-last-word. Not complaining, I sometimes enjoy watching it from the sidelines.
I do get an inkling to burst all of that piled up outrage once-in-a-while, but a few deep breaths and Phew! Back to sanity.
Remember that episode of Friends where Chandler has to stop himself from making jokes? And then he had to get it all out in one go?
Well, I’m not Chandler. Not that funny too. But I have ended up accumulating a few things that I should get out. So, here it goes:
1. Please stop reacting or getting outraged over morphed pictures of your God, Prophets, Religious places. And if you really are ‘hurt’, file a case and let the law of the land decide. Oh, you don’t have faith in the law? Too bad. Take your hurt and pray to your God. But please stop with getting agitated and spend that time praying instead.
2. Stop confusing Beef with just Cow-meat! Most parts of India where you get Beef mostly is of Buffalo. Except maybe in North-East and Kerala. (Download and check data from Government:
3. Please don’t share WhatsApp forwards as ‘news’ or ‘information’. Most of those come into circulation by IT Teams of different political parties. Unless you’re not completely sure of it being genuine, please wait. No one is giving you a medal for sending them that news first. I mean, educated folks still believe Kanhaiya Kumar said, ‘Bharat tere tukde honge’ and supposedly there is some video proof of that! Because, well, f*** logic! And yes, if you have that video, ‘please share it with me.
4. Just stop with the BS of media being presstitutes and all those, ‘Media won’t show you this’! You’ve made Media to be the way it is now. Stop watching noise-emanating-debates. Don’t give them their TRPs. And if you do, don’t complain.
5. Stop giving advice to celebs on social media on how they or their spouse should dress, what they should eat and what they should say. No one gives a damn whether you like or dislike ‘nail polish’ or not.
6. Uniform Civil Code is not possible to be implemented in India. Even if you exclude the ‘Muslims’ out of it, there’s no possibility of having a Uniformity across regions, customs, etc in India. Marriage customs in North, South, North-east, Tribals itself differ from A-Z. And no, Polygamy is not just limited to one religion or custom.
7. Banning Azaan? Sure, let’s ban the use of loudspeakers for a 3-minute long azaan, 5 times a day. But wait, should that be the only thing to be banned, then?
8. Stop encouraging our Media and those loudmouths to continuously tickling China. They’ll come and kick all our asses. And no, you cannot ‘boycott’ China. If you even wanted to, you’ll have to throw off many of the things you own. Even the phone from which you share those ‘BoyCott China’ messages.
I can continue to add points to this list but let me keep that for another day. Or Maybe just one last one.
9. Not watching Game of Thrones and sharing ‘Am I the only one who hasn’t watched a single episode yet’ does NOT make you look cool. Not that watching makes you any cooler, either. Just saying.
Phew! I can sleep now!