Just finished watching, ‘The Lego Movie” and it was something. Very deep and philosophical.

Yea, some of you would say, ‘Not everything is deep’. I mean, okay. If you say so. (No, pun intended).

I’ve always thought of the ‘what-ifs’ like, ‘What if we all are part of someone else’s story? Or what if everyone is part of our story and is only there for our amusement? Or misery?

Like everything is on ‘statue-mode’ when I’m not there and moves around as soon as I notice them. And they’ve perfected it to the extent that I can never catch hold of them.

Yes, it sounds very self-obsessed but just imagine!

Maybe each of us has a parallel co-existence in each other’s story. But we feel that it is our story.

No, strike that. Maybe that’s life, right? (Or Not?) *raises an eyebrow*

Or what if we are part of some Artificial Intelligence led Reality TV show of the future?

No, I hate those! Strike, that too.

What if we have the power to make things happen but we don’t realize it. This can happen, right?

Let me try.

Go make yourself a cup of Coffee and stop writing this post!

P.S It worked!