Spelling out the problems

Spelling out your problems isn’t something we want to do. You simply expect people to understand it. The ones close to you, have to get you.

Your emotions aren’t your social media updates where you spell it out for the world. Your outrage, cribbing, excitement and joy, are emotions that you can share by attaching it to an event.

Can and Should. The operative being the operative words here.

Like you don’t have to explain that you’re tired after work and might not want to talk too much. Or maybe when you’ve put on the earphones at work, you don’t want to be disturbed for anything non-urgent.

People need to get this!

Carrying a name-tag of emotions to explain things to adults is just terrible. There should never be a “What happened?”.

Understanding each others’ headspace is so terrible important. Be it your family, friends or your roommate.

Sure, one cannot expect this from everyone. But at least a few?

Over time, can we at least give it a shot to understand people and make an effort to get others ?


The Conversations In My Head


Opening up to new Ideas


  1. Zabin

    I generally agree with most of your thoughts and writings. I feel like you are speaking my mind.. that may be cuz we have the same roots and similar upbringing(don’t know).
    But today I don’t agree with this thought that you have shared in this blog. I know that you are expecting from others to understand coz u try to understand. But again not everyone is the same, not everyone is your mom or sister. I know people who doesn’t have the genes or the jigar or whatever u might call it, that leads to understanding people. They just don’t have it. I don’t know why? I don’t ask that question anymore. Coz thats what I have learnt over time, not everyone has that guts to understand or even for that matter feel like trying to understand. May be you will make peace with this one day, like I have(most of the time :P). And may be you write a blog on that someday 🙂

    • Yea, even I don’t entirely agree that everyone can understand us. And this does not exclude my mom or my sister or anyone. And I also know this is a temporary thought and will vanish off with time. This was just my thought at that particular moment when I wrote this. 🙂

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