For a large part of my life, I’ve remained the guy who has tried maintain a healthy relationship with everyone. It has always been tough to outrightly hate anyone whom I know.

And even if I find people irritating and difficult to hangout or even work with, it isn’t easy to show that openly.

I believe this is something that I’ve picked up from my parents, who have always tried to maintain a “high-approval” rating among their relatives, neighbors, and friends.

Cutting off ties with people who have only given us trouble has never been easy for my parents. And I guess, I had followed the same.

Over the last year, I realized this needed to change. It is essential to clean out the weed from your crops to have healthy produce. Cannot say, I’ve been very successful in that either.

And it isn’t only the people who irritate you or are just not worth the trouble, this also includes the people with whom you’ve once shared a good rapport. Things change over time. And so do people. And we should too.

People who intend on making things work will definitely put an effort. And those who don’t, why get stuck with them?

There’s no point in looking back at things in the hopes of reliving something that is not present now.